advantages of vertical advertising machine
Industry news

advantages of vertical advertising machine

Views : 336
Author : Callie
Update time : 2021-10-12 14:18:40
Touch all-in-one machine and touch advertising machine are two touch products widely used in today's commercial field. With the continuous development and maturity of touch screen technology, these two products are often used for comparison. Today, Guangzhou Shuyong, a manufacturer of touch all-in-one machine, will talk about the difference between touch machine and touch screen.
First: functional differences.
The touch all-in-one machine is mainly divided into two parts: touch all-in-one machine host + base, which is generally composed of K-type base, wall mounted touch unit and touch screen all-in-one machine of the government hall. It is a man-machine interactive query equipment, which mainly adopts multimedia query system or multimedia teaching system. In addition to business, there are teaching, medical and other fields; Touch screen advertising machine is much simpler. It is a vertical advertising and touch function, which is mainly used in the commercial field.
Second: differences in appearance.
Touch screen all-in-one machines are mostly K-or L-type, and even customized touch screen all-in-one machine equipment with S-shaped base. It is a high-tech product for touch screen all-in-one machine manufacturers. Touch Book flipper or touch controlled tea table suitable for digital exhibition hall, which is combined with human mechanics and aesthetic design, or depends on customer needs; The touch advertising machine looks very simple. Most of them are simple wall hanging or vertical modeling, and there are no special appearance requirements.
Third: differences in application fields.
The LCD touch screen all-in-one machine produced by the touch screen all-in-one machine manufacturer Guangzhou digital technology is mainly used in banks, schools, hospitals, conferences, stations, shopping malls, etc. However, touch advertising machines are mainly used in supermarkets and other places. It is only used for display, while the touch all-in-one machine has a directional function.